BKM92 Premium Kombi

- Connections: mini-USB, supply voltage and scanner
- Digital control inputs (positive or negative logic): 3 x start and teach signal as well as configurable channel, 10 x to select / activate up to 512 different positions
- Digital outputs: 2 x relay with “OK” and “KO” signal (as N/C or N/O contact), 2 x for free configuration (active switching function for 24 V signal)
- 3 rotary switches: selection of scanner and feeding in the scanning angles (adjustable in 24°-steps from 0° to 360°)
- 8 toggle switches: Selection monitoring type (object or free-space monitoring), Selection rotational direction of wand (right and/or left), Definition of relay outputs (N/C or N/O) , Setting of scanning intensity (2 steps) , Selection of tolerance range (±0.1° / ±1.0° / ±3.0° / ±10.0°
Article no. 63 04 257