Manifold Functions, Consistently
Just a few examples are given here in order to present the profound functionality of BK Mikro. Technological developments and customer wishes ensure the constant perfectioning of BK Mikro.
Unidirectional Scanning: Depending on the preset parameters in the control unit resp. on the test instructions transmitted by the machine control the wand rotates left or right until it reaches the test object. Upon reaching the object or transgressing the monitoring range it changes its rotational direction and returns to home position.
Bidirectional Scanning: By means of a preset angle the wand can be assigned a freely definable home position between two objects to be monitored. After the wand has reached this position both objects can be charged and scanned. The order of the scanning direction is freely selectable.
Teach-in: In learning mode the wand rotates until it reaches an object. The angle measured is then stored in the tool data base under the selected tool number. The exact preset angle for the actual scanning is then defined by the stored position plus the preset tolerance value.
Start: A measuring process is triggered by the function “start”. If the wand reaches the object inside the angle position learned by “Teach” or preset by parameters the “OK” signal is set. If the wand stops before the monitoring range or goes beyond it a “KO” signal occurs.
Optimized Scanning Time: Scanning can be timely optimized on the outward journey as well as on the return in order to shorten the chip to chip times.
- During the forward travel and before the actual scanning the wand is moved by command towards the object to be monitored up to 10° (pre-position), while the tool can still be positioned.
- During the backward travel the tool can be moved again before the wand has reached its home-position.