The system achieves its high degree of flexibility and adaptability by its components.
The Scanner: BK Mikro offers scanner variants adapted to different performance classes. Rotary scanners fulfil orthogonal moving functions or the axial scanning of a tool tip, linear scanners are used for stroke movements.
The Control unit: In order to perfectly comply with the variety of uses several models are available which differ in terms of functional range and interface characteristics, e.g. for monitoring a multitude of objects or for individual monitoring functions as well as for application-specific configuration options.
The System: A system based on mechanical contact such as BK Mikro excels by its easy installation, is maintenance-free and comparatively economic. The tactile sensor works potential-free; due to the sturdy scanner it is absolutely unsusceptible to disturbances. The monitoring takes place inside the process area – there is no waste of time by moving the tool towards the testing device.
The Principle: The wand moved by the scanner scans object positions resp. areas in the machine cycle. A control unit with micro-computer triggers the wand movement by a signal (or order from the fieldbus-master). The result provided by the wand is compared to the parameters and nominal values defined in the control unit, resulting in an “OK” or “KO” signal transmitted to the machine control.
Advantages of the System
- Independent of the power of the spindle motor and of the machine control
- Applicable in working space and magazine
- Tool monitoring also possible in non-productive times
- Bilateral scanning possible (e.g. double or multiple spindles)
- Scanning of rotating tools with diameters ≥ 0.1 mm
- Easy mounting (no adjustment) and maintenance-free
- Individual retrofitting at any time
- Absolutely resistant to external influences (cooling media, chips, vibration, temperature, etc.)